Be wary of smooth talkers. Words are rarely at your disposal if something is wholly, truly, completely true. - Joyce Rachelle
Those who claim to be on the side of good yet do nothing to fight evil are on the side of evil. - Joyce Rachelle
It's not about the extent to which something happened or did not happen; it's whether we choose to confront evil and call it what it is, or simply let it pass because it 'wasn't enough of a big deal'. - Joyce Rachelle
It's not about the extent to which something happened or did not happen; it's whether we choose to confront evil and call it what it is, or simply let it pass because it 'wasn't enough of a big deal. - Joyce Rachelle
Indifference destroys vocation unlike any other intangible force, for the reason that it shakes the very core of our motivation for doing what we do. - Joyce Rachelle
I'm not an insomniac. It's just that my mind is in the best position to catch the weight of all hovering possibilities the moment I lie down. - Joyce Rachelle
Some scars don't hurt. Some scars are numb. Some scars rid you of the capacity to feel anything ever again. - Joyce Rachelle
The praise and glorification of God doesn't exclusively spring from deep and untroubled understanding; it is in spite of – and even because of – deep and troubled circumstance. - Joyce Rachelle
A shout for help isn’t always a cry of pain; sometimes it is a hymn of praise. - Joyce Rachelle
Very often I realize that the time people spend apart is as important in maintaining relationships as the time they spend together. - Joyce Rachelle
There will always be one or two things bothering the person next to you. And if that person happens to be looking heavenward, it’s because it helps us to remind ourselves that God is bigger than our problems. - Joyce Rachelle
She's one in a million. And that's why she's lonely. - Joyce Rachelle
We are semipermeable membranes. We can pick and choose which troubles are worthy of our attention. What sinks us can only do so with our permission; a boat stays afloat until the water gets in. - Joyce Rachelle
When people say they're unemployed, bored, or have nothing to do, I sigh and think, "If only time were transferable. - Joyce Rachelle
It's because the door hasn't been closed yet that the nightmares still find their way in. - Joyce Rachelle
Writers don't forget the past; they turn it into raw material. - Joyce Rachelle
Kindness is a language more often misunderstood than taken at face value. - Joyce Rachelle
Maybe forgiveness means you stop keeping tabs on those people. Wounds can't heal if you keep touching them. - Joyce Rachelle
When I trust someone I do it without doubt or fear or reservation. And then I work on a Plan B. - Joyce Rachelle
If we didn't have nightmares, we wouldn't wake up every morning chasing our dreams. - Joyce Rachelle
Take care not to welcome today the terrors that will make yesterday's demons look like angels. - Joyce Rachelle
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. But if you do, make new ones. Life is too short to make the wrong choice twice. - Joyce Rachelle
For a storyteller, an open ending leaves much room for imagination; for the inquisitive reader, however, it is a source of great anxiety. - Joyce Rachelle
Not all writers are silently suffering inside. But it certainly helps. - Joyce Rachelle
How difficult it is to find solitude in a world that constantly demands your attention. - Joyce Rachelle
Much of what I learned about forgiveness I learned by inhabiting the lives of my characters. Even villains act with reasonable intent. Mercy is easier with understanding. Still, it helps that on paper I can kill them off. - Joyce Rachelle